This is a statement of the data protection policy adopted by One Planet York CIC. Responsibility for the updating and dissemination of the policy rests with the Directors, as mandated by the Members. The policy is subject to annual review to reflect, for example, changes to legislation or to the structure or policies of One Planet York CIC. All members are expected to apply the policy and to seek advice when required.  


The Principles require that all personal information:  

1) shall be accessible to the individual the documents are concerning at any time 

2) shall be saved in a safe and confidential manner – in a password protected computer  

3) shall not be shared with any third party, unless the person concerned in the documentation wishes them to be shared and expressly gives their consent to share, in writing 

4) shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date 

5) shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for the specified purpose(s).  

6) Recipients of email newsletter material are given the choice to OPT IN and always have the option of Unsubscribing at any time.

NB: All data stored by One Planet York is the responsibility of One Planet York CIC, regardless of who has been processing that data. No one else may claim ownership of the database.  

One Planet York CIC needs to collect and use certain types of information about members and clients in order to operate. These include current, past and prospective clients and members, volunteers, suppliers and others with whom One Planet york CIC conducts business. This personal information must be dealt with properly however it is collected, recorded and used – whether on paper, electronically, or other means – according to the law of the GDPR from May 25th 2018.  

Also, each new member needs to be given a copy of the Policy to keep.


To assist in achieving compliance with the principles, One Planet York CIC:  

  1. has appointed one of the directors as having specific responsibility for data protection within One Planet York;  
  1. has undertaken to inform and aid all One Planet York members in understanding and applying the data protection principles and to liaise with external parties. 


One Planet York CIC | Company number: 13318256